الأربعاء، 9 فبراير 2011

Nabothian cyst

A nabothian cyst is a mucus-filled lump on the surface of the cervix. 

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

The cervix is lined with glands and cells that release mucus. The glands can become covered by a type of skin cells called squamous epithelium. When this happens, the secretions build up in the plugged glands. They form a smooth, rounded bump on the cervix. The bump is called a nabothian cyst.


Each nabothian cyst appears as a small, white raised bump. There can be more than one.

Signs and tests

During a pelvic exam, the doctor will see a small, smooth, rounded lump (or collection of lumps) on the surface of the cervix. Rarely, a colposcopy is necessary to distinguish nabothian cysts from other bumps and sores that can occur on the cervix.
Sometimes the cyst is opened to confirm that it is a nabothian cyst.


No treatment is necessary. Nabothian cysts do not cause any problems.
Rarely they may be opened and drained if they are large enough to cause problems with the shape of the cervical canal, which can examinations more difficult.

Expectations (prognosis)

Nabothian cysts do not cause any harm. They are a benign condition.


Rarely, cysts become so numerous or enlarged that the cervix becomes enlarged or blocked, making it difficult to take a Pap smear.

Calling your health care provider

This condition is usually discovered during a routine pelvic examination.


There is no known prevention. 

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